Your GPS Says 26 Hours, But How Long Will Your Road Trip Really Take?

As you set out on your road trip, the initial drive time displayed on your GPS may seem daunting. Whether it's 26 hours or any other estimate, it's important to understand that this time doesn't account for necessary stops along the way. Road trips are about the experience, not just reaching the destination, so it's essential to plan for breaks and enjoy the journey.

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These are the 15 Mistakes Most People Make on Road Trips

Road tripping, especially for beginners, can be an incredibly exciting and liberating experience. The allure of hitting the open road, discovering new places, and creating unforgettable memories is often irresistible. However, amidst the thrill and anticipation, it's crucial to be aware of common road trip mistakes that many travelers, especially novices, tend to make. These missteps, if not addressed proactively, can significantly impact the overall enjoyment and smoothness of your journey. Below, we delve into the 15 most prevalent road trip mistakes and offer practical solutions to help you navigate your adventure with ease and confidence.

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