Freel Peak to Mount Whitney Bikepacking Challenge: Day 1

Arriving in South Lake Tahoe to begin a personal challenge of a supported bike packing adventure from South Lake Tahoe to Mount Whitney, I started the trip with hiking Freel Peak. My goal was to start at the Freel Peak trailhead and hike to the top for sunset, but that didn't happen. Getting a late start, my journey to the tallest peak in Lake Tahoe ended in the dark, but that is okay, I brought a head lamp.

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Tackling Lake Tahoe's Triple Link Up | Freel Peak, Jobs Sister, and Jobs Peak

Bumping down the dirt road to the Freel Peak Trailhead, we had a crazy idea in mind. My climbing partner and I, for our rest day, decided it was time to give peak bagging, aka hiking to the top of a peak, a try. Not really sure what we were getting ourselves into we were giddy with excitement. Sleeping the van, I am not sure if either of slept. Maybe it was the lentil soup that bloated our bellies, or maybe, it was the excitement. Regardless, we knew attempting to tackle the Tahoe Triple would be an adventure.

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